In December 2021, Indian ancestry Jaswant Singh Chail, a former supermarket worker who was living in the United Kingdom. He was apprehended after approaching late monarch, Queen Elizabeth II at her private residence Windsor Castle. He attempted to assassinate the Queen in Star Wars style.
Chail admitted that he was there to kill the Queen Elizabeth II, after being detained dressed as "something out of a vigilante movie," according to one source. He was wearing a handcrafted metal mask and holding a loaded crossbow.
He was found guilty of treason under Section 2 of the Treason Act of 1842, threats to kill under Section 16 of the Offenses Against the Person Act of 1861, and possession of an offensive weapon under Section 1 of the Prevention of Crime Act of 1953.
Chail's look can only be explained if he was inspired by a fantasy film and went off on a mission to destabilize an empire. He was discovered to have taken influence from the scientific fantasy film Star Wars and attempted to replicate the role of the Sixth Lords.
Chail filmed a video a few days before entering the castle's gates, altering his voice and dubbing himself 'Darth Jones,' referring to a character in the franchise.
According to the prosecutor, Chail's main motivation was to construct a new empire, which he believed could only be accomplished by destroying all remains of the British Empire and removing the figurehead of the Royal Family.