In today's fast-paced world, when food is at your doorstep, you can press a few buttons on a food delivery app. It becomes very difficult to avoid fast food and processed food. For overall growth and development, kids' nutrition plays a very crucial role in their well-being.
Here certain aspects have to be taken care of:
Balanced Diet : Children need various macro- and micronutrients to grow stronger and healthier. Balanced food is a necessity for the overall development of kids. Here we are breaking down what a balanced diet is all about. A well-balanced diet covers all food groups:
Fruits and vegetables:
* Fruits and vegetables are sources of a variety of vitamins and minerals, and it is believed fruits and vegetables of different colors in the colorful palette of the rainbow must be served. It is not just a visual appeal, but each color has its own value and specifies something different; for example, orange is a source of vitamin C, and leafy green vegetables have iron.
* Whole Grains : Incorporate whole grains in meals; one should swap more refined grains for healthier options like brown rice, oats, millets, and whole wheat bread. These are healthy, rich in fiber, and also help in keeping children full for longer.
* Incorporate dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt; they provide calcium and vitamin D, crucial for building strong bones and teeth.
* Proteins : Kids need a sufficient amount of protein for muscle and tissue development. Including lean meats, fish, eggs, beans, and pulses
Portion Control
Every child is born with certain specific characteristics; their needs are different as per their activity levels. So their portion sizes should be based on their age, appetite, and activity level. In order to avoid unhealthy eating and overeating, they should be made to understand their hunger and fullness cues.
Limit sugar and processed foods.
Sugar, if consumed in excessive amounts in the long run, can prove fatal to health as it can cause various health problems like obesity and tooth decay and can also put you at risk of diabetes. It’s important to cut down on highly processed foods, and instead, they should be offered wholesome snacks like fresh fruits, veggie sticks, or whole-grain crackers.
Water is a natural hydrating agent, and it is also one of the best drinks to keep the kids hydrated. Encourage them to drink more natural drinks and water regularly throughout the day, avoiding and limiting sugary drinks like soda and fruit juices. It is better to have them keep a water bottle handy.
Nutritional Education
Letting the kids be involved in the kitchen and helping them learn how to make food in a tasty manner helps make them part of the food process and will help them understand the benefits of different foods in an interesting way. Developing a healthy relationship with food will help them learn how to make better and healthier food choices as they grow older.
Addressing special dietary needs
Some kids tend to have different kinds of allergies and food intolerances. Making them a diet that will help them grow strong and healthy without missing the necessary nutrients. . So if you find any such symptom in your kids, make sure to consult with healthcare professionals to ensure they get all the necessary nutrients while avoiding certain foods.
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