A Texan man, accused of spiking his wife's drink to induce an abortion, received a sentence of 180 days in jail and 10 years of probation on Wednesday, according to the Harris County district clerk's office.
On Wednesday, Mason Herring, a 39-year-old attorney from Houston, entered a guilty plea for charges of injury to a child and assault of a pregnant person. Initially, he had faced a felony assault charge related to inducing abortion.
Catherine Herring, the wife, reported to authorities that in March 2022, her husband, Mason Herring, began emphasizing the importance of hydration during their vacation. She fell seriously ill after consuming water from a cup that appeared cloudy, which Mason attributed to potential dirt in the cup or water pipes. Following this incident, Catherine became suspicious and started rejecting multiple drink offers from her husband. According to Ms. Herring, on seven separate occasions since March 2022, Mason provided her with drinks containing an unknown substance.
Subsequently, she discovered packaging for a drug in the trash, which contained misoprostol, a medication known for inducing abortion. She additionally provided law enforcement with footage from concealed cameras she had installed in her residence, clearly capturing him blending a substance into one of her beverages.
Catherine Herring, currently in the process of divorce, expressed dissatisfaction with the court's decision, stating that the imposed jail sentence was insufficient. She revealed that their third child, a 1-year-old daughter born approximately 10 weeks prematurely, faces developmental delays and undergoes therapy eight times a week. Catherine emphasized her discontent with the judgment, asserting that she does not consider a 180-day sentence adequate for someone attempting to harm their own child seven times.
A request for comment directed to Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg's office did not receive an immediate response. State District Judge Andrea Beall handed down the sentencing for Mason Herring.