“May you live in interesting times! Not a Chinese Curse After All"
It’s hard to imagine, even a few weeks after the most important election in world history in the NOT yet free USA, what the world might have looked like under the rule of a moron posing as a stateswoman. Unlike King Lear, we cannot take solace in merely hoping that “Ripeness is all.” Of course, such a mantra may give spiritual solace to pilgrims at the great Hindu shrines from Benares to Hyderabad, but the idea of world economies being influenced by the most anagrammatic Marxist ever unleashed by the Rothschild Crime Syndicate calls for more than prayers. The civilized world just stopped short of taking a final leap into the abyss of permanent financial and social chaos. Unfortunately, most will never know how Harris’ satanic dystopia was headed off at the final epochal pass.
First we must consider the Chinese factor so relevant to the everyday affairs of both Americans and Indians alike. If we are to understand the burden now placed upon thinking people of all cultures, the truth about the CCP and the forces that run the Globalist capital from Beijijg. If we are to be worthy of the freedom that has suddenly fallen from Heaven itself, with great possibilities, with all its economic and cultural privileges, we must accept the responsibility to insure that our new freedom from totalitarian oppressors by doing all in our personal power to help others understand the nature of modern evil We will either speak out and inform one
another that the Trump agenda will successfully hem in the Rothschilds’ CCP or begin the long march back to Globalist slavery. All evil roads lead to the Rothschilds. Not quite the iambic elegance of Shakespeare’s mantra in KING LEAR, but the most succinct reminder of how the world did not just suddenly discover that most of the governments today are mysteriously under the influence of evil forces. Macron and Trudeaux, come out, come out wherever you’re committing crimes!
For Trump’s tectonically revolutionary agenda to succeed, he must now defeat the Rothschilds’ Washington DC based moles. The billionaire Marxists who deploy endless phony wars to control the masses. The current conflict in Ukraine was manufactured by the most twisted individual in the U.S. Senate and his former lover, the Hanoian candidate, John McCain. The resultant conflict allowed the puppet president, Joe Biden to funnel billions for the Rothschilds’ coffers by bankrolling both Zelensky and Putin while at least a million Orthodox Christians were slaughtered for believing in the usual jingoistic bilge, “the Russians are coming!”
Despite their benevolently despotic dictators’ rule puppeteered by the ruler of the Bank of England, the Chinese people have also suffered immense disenfranchisement and government funded mass murder through Covid-19–which I prefer to call the Obama virus. Beijing was funded by Obama through Fauci to develop the virus at Wuhan Labs. Dictator for Life, Xi Xing Peng realized that it was worth murdering a million Chinese if his boy, Obama, could spread the virus in America and thereby create the necessary havoc for installing the next chess piece on the Globalist board while waging social chaos and financial panic.
The history of China, as well, has been a long march over the minefields of economic and hegemonic battles. Of course, in the initial stages of the Maoist destruction of China, the Chinese people did choose self-victimization for daily rations of rice bowls. That was then. Now thinking people see the Globalist tentacles about controlling the world by first controlling Asia. No wonder that the great 17th century Chinese author, Feng Menglong’s Taoist Koan somehow managed to get paraphrased into its more popular form, “May you live in interesting times!” by an early 20th century British diplomat named Joseph Chamberlain. What he most likely came
across was Menglong’s original quote in Stories to Awaken the World. Better to be a dog in times of tranquility, than a human in times of chaos. –and so it would seem, as with most koans, apocryphal as well as oxymoronic for the future of the small swaths of the free world as well.
The curse especially held true for the 20th century, mother of the footnote in which we now find ourselves barreling headlong toward Eternity, otherwise known as the Age of Kali. For those of you who missed Dr. Armstrong’s lecture on the Mahabarata, I will try to fill you in as succinctly as possible.
When the wars between the Pandava clan and their oppressors led to thirty six years of “prosperity–presumably for the Pandava clan,” that Golden Age of Vedic tranquility ended with the death of Lord Krishna. Faced with exile, the Pandavas fled to the steppes of the Himalayas across which they hoped to climb their way to heaven. Whether or not they managed to arrive there depends upon your reading of the other sacred texts. However, following their departure, the current age of war and destruction, the Age of Kali ensued and it has gripped mankind without ceasing ever since. Not quite the satisfactory conclusion of either the Homeric epics. or the Wagnerian Nibelungenlied which took their archetypal cues from the Hindu source but, Joe Biden’s fellow Iriahman like to remind us, “it is what it is!” Since, the Hindu source would appear to precede both Homer and the Germanic poets by about 3,000 years, we can at least agree that the authors of the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita appear to have hit the 21st century on the head as prophets for all Indo-European peoples wherever they settled.
What’s that you say? What in karma does Donald Trump have to do with the Lord Krishna? Everything and nothing, if you are already thinking Vedic-ly and not just vertically. While the culture wars that just almost terminated the American experiment–nothing more atavistic than the Hindu gods jumping from continent to continent, eh?--should at least alert you to the fact that a similarly epic battle for cultural survival is about to take place. Trump’s clash with Rothschild’s Deep State is now about to unfold in a distant landscape far from the Himalayas and would appear analogous with the Hindu epic conflict on a microcosmic scale. Surely, its ramifications for the non-Globalist globe may be assumed to be just as consequential. Krishna held India together for several millennia until the arrival first of the Mughal emperors and then the Rothschild financed “Emperor.” It is no small leap to imagine, however, that had Kamala Harris and her fellow criminals managed to steal yet another presidential election with the help of their old ally at Rothschild controlled Fox News, we might not be thinking about either India or America just now. Under that catastrophic scenario, we would only be thinking as the future slaves of China.
For the love of Lucknow!--will this digressive time leaper get to his point? I was just about to.
Sometime around one o’clock in the morning following this last election, Paul Ryan at Fox News refused to call the election for Trump. Quick, Watson, the needle! And just out of nowhere one of Ryan’s little white trucks pulled up at a polling station in Michigan. I was alerted to this strange occurrence by my political guru, Adam Weishaupt, the owner of Seattle Stamps in Olympia, Washington. This formidable numismatist and philatelist, who possesses the largest cache of Hitler’s Azad Hind stamp sheets was somehow nonplussed by the fact that James O’Keefe of Project Veritas fame and not much fortune had somehow managed to catch Ryan and the Murdoch boys at it again and this time on videotape. It would seem we were going to go to sleep once more and awaken to a repeat of their helping Biden steal the 2020 election by announcing that Komrade Kamala and her pizza delivery men managed to find another 200 million votes for her in every battleground state.
–How did O’Keefe know exactly which polling station to expect the delivery of the first batch of fraudulent ballots, the great stamp collector queried.
And it took me another three hours to figure out that answer. Yet within a half-hour of O’Keefe’s discovery and his quick witted transmission of his video to Komrade Ryan, the gang at Fox called the election for Trump much to the dismay of good billionaire marxists and EU potentates all around the world.
Granted enough Trump supporters incessantly boast of the great businessman’s endless game of 4-D Chess against his Deep State opponents, but this particular political trompe d’oeil would now appear to be the result of more than divine intervention. Surely, no single human hand could manage to pull it off. When you understand exactly what a genius of showmanship James O’Keefe is perhaps you will agree that he just may have saved humanity from the final reign of Marxist Billionaires from Davos to Bloomberg’s Upper East Side townhouse. And maybe this time humanity will win.
Mr O’Keefe is the very genius who in the past dressed up as a pimp, accompanied by a heavily mascaraed actress posing as a prostitute, He stage this piece of video brinkmanship on hidden camera by getting the director of a local welfare office to encourage this lady of the night to apply for welfare benefits and thereby help to alleviate her debt to her pimp! The hellish howls echoing from the Rothschild MSM elites could be heard as far down as their usual haunts in Dante's Ninth Circle. A year or so later, O’Keefe went on to a posh luncheon in one of Washington D.C.’s more exclusive restaurants. He invited the heads of one of Soros’ Planned Slaughterhood Agencies and actually got these benevolent friends of pregnant women everywhere to admit that their only interest in aborting fetuses stemmed from the great financial rewards Soros and company reaped by selling organs from the body parts of the slaughtered infants. Cue more howls from indignant wealthy marxist media elites who live for spiritual enlightenment at the hands of Oprah Winfrey and Big Mike Obama. So just how did O’Keefe manage to send a live action camera crew to the exact polling station where Fox and Friends were about to drop off tens of millions of fraudulent ballots in all the key battleground states? He didn’t! He sent the truck. Whereupon Mr. Ryan was threatened with being caught red handed this time while hesitantly dithering with making the final election call So this stalwart defender of “fair and balanced” journalism, LOL, quickly decided to save his own neck instead of Rothschilds’ beloved Communist Party and called the election for Donald J. Trump, the 47th President of the United States of America.
As with most smart criminals they somehow manage to prove themselves not too smart at the most critical juncture of their crime careers. Mr. Ryan was not informed by the Democratic National Committee at which time the little white trucks would appear. How would he know that a better Irishman was just bluffing him. He just knew that he was to stall the call and zippo changeo, sometime around six o’clock that following morning Fox would be able to call the election for Komrade Kamala. The gods, if you recall your Aeschylos, look kindly on a gentle master. Upon masters of political chicanery, however, not so much.
Of course, we can wonder and wring our hands and drench our handkerchiefs as to why players like Ryan, the Bush Crime Family, the mass murdering Cheneys, and Ryan’s former running mate Romney are so “invested” in the political and economic destruction of both America and mankind. However, all you need to do is consider the history of the Rothschilds since they first launched their great revolution of liberation in France in 1789. Without plodding through the swamps of any ontological argument for the existence of Satan, we can at least agree self-professed satanists live to serve their demonic lord, however imaginary or real. The present state of civilization would appear to document how their service has been pretty effective up until now. Up until now!
Their founder, Myer Anschul, whose little red lending houses marked by a Red Shield, set fire to most of Habsburgian and Hohenstauffen Europe; they soon began to convince Christian Europeans that slaughtering one another was not just fun but profitable. As with all Rothschild funded revolutions, of course, the stupid petty monarchs and self-deluded emperors failed to notice that the only thing the Rothschilds’ revolutions would ever liberate would be their victims’ finances from the pockets of their victims’ corpses. One might hazard a guess that their victims’ bodies laid out head to foot might stretch from Mt. Washington to Mt. Everest about one
hundred times over! Yes, they didn’t just succeed in removing humble folk, as you know; once the Satanic Royal Family got hold of the Hanovers, a not so royal family descended from a Welsh marauder posing as a prince, they somehow managed to make Romanovs, Habsburgs, and Turkish sultans follow along the same fated path first trod by the Bourbons and any other minor potentates who stood in their way.
Now the House of Battenburg-Rothschild rules from Beijing to Ukraine to London to Washington D.C. And instead of their time worn revolution formula, they now run the endless money laundering, drug trafficking and child sex trafficking schemes which dupes like Joe Biden and, if she could have gotten her way, Komrade Kamala, run for their indirect benefit through all their bagmen, Soros, Bloomberg, Zuckerberg, Saban, and Schwab,who openly boasts of wanting to exterminate T six billion people. Money laundering and sex trafficking has been a time honored practice among the Battenburg-Rothschilds. Boer War I led to the conquest of South Africa in Boer War II; World Wars I and II guaranteed the safety of the Rothschilds’ nascent Soviet Union. And by the time they left India in tatters for the greedy slaughter of Muslims and Hindus, their last viceroy,, Lord Louis Mountbatten, the current king’s favorite uncle and role model, was a notorious pedophile with a beard wife, the Lady Edwina, who carried on an adulterous affairs and included Nehru himself among her not so secret admirers just months before her death. Not bad after convincing most of mankind in two short centuries that making love was sinful but making war was a glorious enterprise so long as that enterprise managed to enrich the coffers of the Rothschilds. Today, these guardians of public morals just have to wag their dog of atomic warfare to get their future victims to heal and they masses willingly obey and surrender. Anyone with a full deck of cards would logically conclude that these masters of the universe have no real intention of blowing up their playground; yet most of their victims rarely play with a full deck of logical cards.
And they have the “good will” of the Roman Pontiff, lots of other Christian denominations who choose self-destruction over the Gospels, most progressive, secular Jews, and, of late, the Muslim masses whose slave masters in Tehran and Riyadh know how to sacrifice their people for their satanic masters financing their oppressive reigns of terror. As the Rothschilds own Reuters and controls Associated Press, they have an army of dedicated marxist journalists and assorted cult members and toadies in the media who want the masses to believe that a strong centralized government like the one they champion daily in Beijing is the only way to assure the path of peace and greener energy. Believe it or not, they are truly planting Satan’s garden of evil all over the earth.
–Read us Rothschild’s will! We will hear the will, Antony! You say. While I can’t do that, I can document the necessary proof to show how the Rothschild controlled Fox was planning this hoax all along.
The single most important piece of evidence I can offer for your careful perusal and examination, every Fox Presidential Poll leading up to November 5th, showed a tight race. You do not need a PhD in Polling to know that false polls are necessary to guarantee public opinion after yet another election was stolen by the ruling elite.
–Look here! Mr. Ryan would shoot you down. Tight polls all along! Nothing to see here! Yet a few days before the actual election, one of the leading pollsters at Rasmussen, another never-Trumper organization broke with his bosses and stated Trump would not only win but he would win in a landslide. Which he did! The weekend before, another fraudster posing as a pollster in Iowa, the Seltzer woman, declared, Trump’s polls in Iowa collapsed and all those of the swing states would follow All this to justify their theft by their phony numbers magically conjured up in the dead of night just like the last time
Added to the nefariousness at Fox, each of every illegitimately appointed public prosecutor entrusted with Biden’s lawfare against Trump proceeded to stick their necks out even further before the election. They boasted that upon his defeat, Trump would die in jail. They did so because they knew Kamala would be successful in stealing this one too. Does anyone really believe that they had no confidence in the media elite, The Rothschild Crime Syndicate, The Bush Crime Family, and the mass murdering Cheneys’ ability to pull their darkhorse across the finish line? As luck would have it, within a week all the illegitimate prosecutors have either stood down or somehow decided that they no longer have the stomach for waging Joe Biden’s lawfare against the president elect. Yes, even satanic morons have a limit to their allegiance to their satanic lord.
Finally, what will the future hold for the United States and India, if Trump manages to make good on his agenda not just to scotch the CCP snake this time, but kill it financially? We will have to wait. With such amazing Americans of Indian descent as Kash Patel and Vivek Ramaswamy on Trump’s team and cabinet, I think we could safely say that most Indians know exactly what a hemmed in Communist China means for the future of America and India alike. Then maybe next time you see the Rothschild Royal Palace at Waddesdon Manor, or their home away from home, Buck House, atop Pall Mall, you might remember how much Christian and Hindu and Muslim and Orthodox Jewish blood went into pouring the foundation for these monstrous trillionaires’ satanic abodes. Close your eyes and imagine a world in which informed Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Orthodox Jews say “Enough! No more!” to this diabolical rule on earth. Ordinary folk just want a just Earth on Earth. The righteous among us can wait to get to Heaven in due time for the age of eternal bliss. While you're thinking, I’ll go check my copy of the Upanishads and the Apocalypse of St. John.