The Enchanting Journey of Premanand Ji Maharaj: A Life Steeped in Devotion
Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj (Hindi: श्री हित प्रेमानंद गोविंद शरण जी महाराज) (best known Premanand Maharaj), revered as Pujya Shri Premanand ji Maharaj, stands as a towering figure in the realm of spirituality. He was born as Aniruddha Kumar Pandey in 1972, into a devout Brahmin family in Akhri village, Sarsaul Block, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. His life was destined to take an extraordinary spiritual trajectory. His Ashram is Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj in Vrindavan.
There are two main ways Premanand Maharaj is referred to:
Pujya Shri Premanand ji Maharaj (पूज्य श्री प्रेमानन्द जी महाराज) : This refers to him in his role as a spiritual guide and teacher.
Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Ji Maharaj (श्री हित प्रेमानंद गोविंद शरण जी महाराज) : This is his full monastic title.
Early Signs of a Spiritual Calling:
Pujya Shri Premanand Maharaj Ji was born in 1972 as Aniruddh Kumar Pandey into a Brahmin (Pandey) family that was known for their piety and modesty on the part of the family. He was born in the Akhri. village, Sarsol Block of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
His grandfather was a Sanyaasi (सन्यासी), and the family lived in an extremely pure, tranquil, and religious atmosphere. Being a devout man, his father Shri Shambu Pandey eventually joined Sanyaas (सन्यास). His mother, Shrimati Rama Devi, was deeply religious and held all saints in the highest regard. Both participated in Sant-Seva (संत सेवा) and other religious services on a regular basis. The family's spiritual atmosphere was elevated by his older brother's recital of verses from the Shrimad Bhagvatam (श्रीमद् भागवतम्), which the whole family would listen to and treasure. The sacred domestic setting heightened the dormant spiritual flame within him.
Having been raised in a family that was deeply committed to devotion, Maharaj Ji started reciting a variety of prayers (known as चालीसा) at a very youth. The Gita Press Publication, Shri SukhSagar, was the first book that he began reading while he was in the fifth grade.
A Renunciation for Truth
By his teenage years, the call to seek spiritual truth became undeniable. At 13, he made a bold decision – leaving his family to embark on a solitary journey. The holy city of Varanasi became his home, the banks of the Ganges his sanctuary. Here, he immersed himself in intense meditation and spiritual practices, living a life of austerity.
It was at this tender age that he first started to wonder about the meaning of existence. He was affected by the question of whether or not the love of one's parents is everlasting, and if it is not, then why should one indulge in happiness that is only temporary? He questioned the significance of attending school and acquiring information about material things, as well as the ways in which these things might assist him in achieving his objectives. He started chanting SHRI RAM JAI RAM in an effort to receive answers. JAI JAI RAM and SHRI KRISHNA GOVIND HARE MURARI are two of the most important aspects of the Hindu religion.
At the time that he was in the ninth grade, he had made the firm decision to live a spiritual life and investigate the road that would bring him to God. For the sake of this virtuous endeavor, he was willing to part ways with his family. His mother was informed about his thoughts and decision that he had made. Once upon a time, at three o'clock in the morning, Maharaj Ji, who was just thirteen years old at the time, left his home in order to discover the truth about human life.
Blessings on the Banks of the Ganges
Years of dedication paid off. Through his unwavering devotion, Premanand Ji Maharaj received the blessings of Lord Shiva. This spiritual awakening propelled him further, yet he remained unattached to recognition or titles. He spent most of his life as a wandering seeker, immersing himself in the divine energy of Vrindavan, the land associated with Krishna's divine love.
Accounts suggest a defining moment in his youth led him to renounce his householder life and embrace a life of devotion. Following this experience, he spent significant time on the banks of the Ganges River, deeply absorbed in meditation.
Spiritual Teachings and Practices
Premanand Maharaj's teachings are deeply rooted in the Bhakti tradition, emphasizing the transformative power of divine love and devotion. He particularly advocates for the chanting of Radha and Krishna's divine names, especially the Radha mantra.
With profound simplicity and clarity, he guides seekers on the path to spiritual liberation (moksha), emphasizing the accessibility of this path to all. His satsangs (spiritual discourses) are renowned for their practical insights and profound wisdom.
Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan
Maharaj Ji was definitely blessed by Lord Shiva, who is the most wise and kind person in the world. He kept trying to reach a higher goal, though. He was sitting under a tree in Banaras one day when Shri ShyamaShyam pulled him to the beauty of Vrindavan.
Later, a saint's motivation made him decide to go to a Raas Lila that Swami Shri SriRam Sharma was putting together. For a month, he went to the Raas Lila. Early in the morning, he would watch the activities of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. At night, he would watch Shri ShyamaShyam's Raas Lila. He became so interested in and drawn to these Lilas in just one month that he couldn't picture living without them. This month turned out to be the most important in his life. Later, Maharaj Ji took a train to Mathura based on Swami Ji's advice and with the help of a Shri Narayan Das Bhaktmali (बग्सर वाले मामाजी) student. He had no idea that Vrindavan would forever steal his heart.
A Life of Unconditional Love:
Premanand Ji Maharaj's path was one of selfless devotion to Radha Krishna. His teachings emphasized the power of prem (divine love) as the ultimate path to liberation. He believed this love wasn't confined to religious traditions; it was a universal force accessible to all.
Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj Trust Vrindavan
Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj Trust Vrindavan is a non-profit and non-government organization founded in 2016. The organization is committed to promoting the welfare of individuals, society, and the nation by adhering to the principles of the Indian spiritual system. Human spiritual empowerment and societal revitalization are its primary goals. This trust, with its emphasis on human solidarity and fair treatment of all members, serves as an ideal for a future society. It's a contemporary take on the teachings of the ancient Vedic sages, who lived by and spread the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.
Radha Keli Kunj's campaign includes many noble efforts dedicated to spirituality, the inner environment, health, and social welfare. In Vrindavan Dham, the trust provides the accommodation and food for hundreds of saints in the ashram and outside the ashram so that they can move forward on their spiritual journey. Along with providing accommodation for these saints, the trust also arranges their clothing, food, medical treatment, and many other essential items.
From a Sanyaasi to RadhaVallabhi Saint
When Maharaj Ji arrived in Vrindavan, he knew no one. The first two rituals that Maharajji followed every day were Vrindavan Parikrama and darshan of Shri Banke Bihari. A saint advised him in the Banke Bihariji temple that he had to go to Shri Radha Valllabh Mandir as well.
RadhaVallabh Ji would captivate Maharaj Ji's attention for hours on end. This would be noticed by the esteemed Goswamis, who would naturally grow fond to him. A passage from Shri Radha Ras Sudha Nidhi was once delivered by Pujya Shri Hit Mohit Maral Goswami Ji, but even though Maharaj Ji knew Sanskrit well, he was unable to comprehend its profound meaning. Then Goswami ji urged him to recite Shri Harivansh's name. At first, Maharaj Ji was hesitant to comply. By the grace of Shri Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu, however, he found himself singing the same holy name as soon as he started Vrindavan Parikrama the following day. He consequently began to believe in the efficacy of this Holy Name (Harivansh).
Ignoring Sanyaas's regulations, Maharaj Ji spoke to the sakhi and asked her to clarify the verse she was singing. With a smile, she informed him that he needed to become a RadhaVallabhi in order to comprehend this passage.
As Goswami Parikar had already prophesied, Maharaj Ji proved him right when he contacted Pujya Shri Hit MohitMaral Goswami Ji with enthusiasm and promptness for diksha. The Sharnagat Mantra (शरणागत मंत्र) was used to initiate Maharaj Ji into the RadhaVallabh Sampradaya. A few days later, at Pujya Shri Goswami Ji's request, Maharaj Ji visited his current Sadguru Dev, Pujya Shri Hit Gaurangi Sharan Ji Maharaj, one of the most well-known and venerable saints in Sahchari Bhav, who inducted him into NityaVihar Ras and Sahchari Bhav.
For ten years, Maharaj Ji was in intimate service to his Sadguru Dev, serving him with great assiduity and humility in all that he did. Through the blessings of his Sadguru dev and Shri Vrindavan Dham, he soon lost himself entirely in Sahchari Bhav and developed unwavering devotion in Shri Radha's lotus feet.
Maharaj Ji, in the footsteps of his Sadguru dev, dwelt in Vrindavan near Madhukari (मधुकरी). He holds the highest regard for Brajwasis and feels that consuming a Brajwasi's grains is necessary to experience "The Divine Love" (ब्रजवासी).
A Beacon for Seekers
Despite his aversion to publicity, his spiritual aura attracted devotees. He established a small ashram in Vrindavan, a haven for those seeking guidance. His days were filled with chanting bhajans, performing pujas, and offering discourses laced with profound wisdom and unwavering love.
Legacy of Simplicity and Devotion
Premanand Ji Maharaj's life remains an inspiration for spiritual seekers worldwide. He shunned materialism and hierarchy, focusing on the essence of pure devotion. His legacy lives on in the hearts of his followers, reminding them that the path to the divine lies not in outward show, but in the inner sanctum of the heart. Today, Premanand Maharaj stands as a beacon of spiritual guidance, revered by countless devotees worldwide. His ashram, Shri Hit Radha Kripa Ashram, in Vrindavan, India, serves as a sanctuary for spiritual seekers from all walks of life.
His satsangs, widely disseminated through online platforms, transcend geographical boundaries, carrying his transformative message to a global audience. His legacy lives on, inspiring individuals to embark on their own journeys of spiritual awakening.