Why Sonam Wangchuk (3 Idiots Phunsukh Wangdu) is on Hunger Strike?
Sonam Wangchuk is a Ladakh-born engineer, social activist and environmentalist renowned for his creative methods to teaching and sustainable development. His March 6th demonstration, which took place in below-freezing temperatures at a height of 3,500 meters above sea level, aims to bring autonomy to Ladakh and draws attention to the harm that industrialization has done to the region's glaciers and delicate ecosystem in the Himalayas.
He is requesting that the Union Territory of Ladakh be granted statehood in accordance with the Sixth Schedule and constitutional protections. The Kargil Democratic Alliance (KDA) began a hunger strike and staged protests in Kargil on Sunday, March 24. Wangchuk declared that he will carry out his original three-day plan despite the requests of his followers to cease.
Let us inform you that Sonam Wangchok recently began a hunger strike in response to the failure of negotiations between the Kargil Democratic Alliance and Apex Body Leh (ABL) of Ladakh and the Union Home Ministry in Delhi. His hunger strike is known as "Climate Fast."
KDA members, councilors, youth, politicians, religious leaders, and social workers arrived at Hussaini Park in Kargil on Sunday morning and began a hunger strike. In Hussaini Park, almost a hundred individuals began a hunger strike.
What are the main Demands?
The following are the principal requests made by the people of Ladakh:
- Ladakh's unique status and statehood
- Application of the Constitution's Sixth Schedule
- safeguarding Ladakh's "fragile" ecology
- Ladakh and Kargil have separate parliamentary seats
- Ladakh has its own Public Services Commission.
- Article 244 of the Constitution's sixth schedule grants administrative rights to the indigenous tribal population of Ladakh.
Sonam Wangchuk wrote on his Twitter handle "300 people sleeping outdoors under clear skies. Temperature: - 10 °C. Today is big day... thousands of people wl join for a 1 day #ClimateFast here & in different Indian cities. Do please join such events by 'Friends Of Ladakh Friends of Nature' in your city today." He also tagged Prime minister Sri Narnedra Modi and Amit Shah in his post.
Let us inform you that Mehbooba Mufti, the leader of the PDP, has addressed the matter and expressed support for the Ladakh people's demand. Mehbooba Mufti, the former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, stated on Twitter on Sunday, "The Indian government's disregard for the justifiable requests of the Ladakhis is perfectly explained now that the connection between the BJP and capitalists has been revealed. Nor have the horrifying images of the malnourished Sonam Wangchuk aroused even the tiniest bit of compassion or worry.