Nagpur, India – Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari attended a special screening of the much-anticipated film Emergency in Nagpur, alongside lead actor and director Kangana Ranaut and veteran actor Anupam Kher. The event drew attention for its blend of cinematic art and historical relevance, as the film revisits the controversial Emergency period in India’s political history.
Kangana Ranaut, who has directed and starred as former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, expressed her gratitude for Gadkari's presence, emphasizing how the film aims to evoke meaningful discussions about one of India's most challenging times. "It’s an honor to have Mr. Gadkari here to watch Emergency. This film is not just a story but a significant chapter in India’s history," she remarked during the event.
Anupam Kher, who plays a key role in the movie, echoed Ranaut’s sentiments. “Emergency is more than a film—it’s a reflection of resilience and the power of democracy. It was incredible to see such an influential leader appreciate our work,” he said.
Nitin Gadkari commended the team for their efforts, highlighting the importance of showcasing historical events to younger generations. “The Emergency was a pivotal moment that tested the strength of India’s democracy. Films like this help preserve history and encourage citizens to understand the sacrifices made by countless individuals during that time,” he said.
The screening, held at a private venue, was followed by an engaging discussion between Gadkari, the filmmakers, and an invited audience about the historical nuances depicted in the movie.
Emergency is set to hit theaters nationwide on 17 January 2025 and has already generated significant buzz for its powerful portrayal of political upheaval and personal stories from the 1975-77 Emergency era.