On December 15, the actor Ram Charan was the special guest at the Nagarjuna-hosted Bigg Boss Season 8 Telegu grand finale. The winner was actor Nikhil Maliyakkal, who also received a ₹55 lakh cash reward and the winner's trophy. Gautham Krishna, Avinash, Prerana, and Nabeel Afridi were defeated by Nikhil in the final.
Nikhil eventually won over the others in Season 8, which was full of twists and clan war drama. The contestants this season participated in pairs, and the show began with no financial reward. It was all dependent on how the competitors completed the tasks and used strategy to get more money.
Nikhil Maliyakkal and Gautham Krishna were the final two contestants on the show. They were even given the chance to select between a car and a prize of ₹55 lakh. Ram Charan declared Nikhil the winner after they both declined to take the chance.
When his name was called, Nikhil appeared surprised. Later, he thanked all of his followers and supporters on Instagram for their support when the show was running. To all of my amazing supporters, words cannot adequately convey my gratitude for you all. This triumph is not just mine; it is a result of your love, loyalty, and belief in me, which carried me through every difficulty. It has been an incredible journey, and I feel privileged to have experienced it with every one of you. I appreciate you turning this dream becoming a reality. I promise to keep trying to be the greatest version of myself. You guys deserve this victory! Many thanks, Sir Nagarjuna He wrote, "Thank You For Blessing & Gracing @alwaysramcharan Sir."