Cracking the IIT-JEE exam is the dream of millions of students. Hard work and dedication are necessary for success in this exam, but recently a very strict study routine of a student went viral on social media, surprising everyone.
This routine involved studying from waking up at four in the morning to late at night. However, the student who topped IIT-JE has made a shocking revelation about this viral routine.
Kalpit Veerwal, who secured All India Rank-1 in 2017, reacted to this viral study routine and said that he himself hadn't studied for that long.
"As shown in the viral post, no student, whether it's AIR 1, 2, or within the top 50, studies that intensely," he said, adding that cramming for 16 hours is useless and will only lead to physical and mental exhaustion. Kalpit's words make it clear that the recipe for success can be different for everyone.