In a startling incident, the Delhi Police have detained three persons in relation to the death of Mahi, a 20-year-old youth. At approximately 9 p.m., the event happened in Delhi's Bhagirathi Vihar neighborhood near Lakhan Chowk on Street No. 11.
Through police interrogations,it was found that the 21 year old girl was a mutual friend of Arman and Mahir.The girl was initially friends with Armaan on Instagram but later on developed friendships with Mahir through the same platform and ended any ties with Armaan.
When Mahir went to the girl's residence one day, he noticed that she was on a video call with Armaan. Envious and furious, Mahir approached Armaan, phoning him repeatedly from several phones and cursing him out for chatting to the girl.
Armaan kept the girl's phone with him in an effort to maintain control, preventing her from speaking with Mahir. When Armaan misled Mahir into attending a meeting in exchange for returning the girl's phone, a catastrophic series of events transpired. When Armaan arrived, he and his colleagues Sameer and Faisal fatally stabbed Mahir.
After reviewing the victim's call logs and CCTV evidence, the Delhi Police were able to solve the case. Charges pertaining to the heinous murder are being brought against the detained suspects, Sameer, Faisal, and Armaan. The body of the deceased has been taken to the mortuary of the GTB Hospital for post-mortem examination.