In a heartbreaking event that has shocked Kerala society, a juvenile girl was brutally raped and strangled to death after being stolen from her home by a migrant worker, police said on Saturday.
The youngster, the daughter of a Bihar migrant couple, had gone missing from her home in Garage Junction, near Aluva town, on Friday evening.
On Sunday, 30 July 23, the five-year-old girl who was sexually raped and killed by a migrant worker was buried at the Keezhmad public cremation in Aluva town in Ernakulam district, Kerala. Following a public homage at her school in Thaikkattukkara, the final rites were performed. When the body arrived, the school witnessed heartbreaking sights.
A large crowd gathered on the school grounds to pay respect to the youngster, including teachers, students, and parents. The youngster had come at school with her three siblings and parents.
Based on the CCTV footage, police apprehended the Bihar-born labourer who was staying in a room on the first floor of the building where the child's family was housed.
The latter, who is also from Bihar, was staying on the first floor of the same building as the child's family.
Ernakulam Rural SP Vivek Kumar told the reporters, "We received the complaint at 7.10 p.m. on Friday, and a FIR was filed before 8 p.m." Our investigators examined the CCTV footage and discovered that the child was with the labourer. At 9.30 p.m., we caught him. However, he was inebriated at the time, and the youngster was not present."
According to the autopsy report, the girl was raped and strangled, according to a police officer. On Saturday, her body was discovered in a sack in a swampy area outside a local market in Aluva town.